New AI-Powered Children’s Book Maker Automates Writing & Picture Illustration

Have you always wanted to write for kids? Do you feel like there’s a story inside you just itching to come out, but you don’t know where to begin?

With AI Children’s Book Maker from Eric Holmlund, you don’t need any experience to tap into the thriving $4 billion US children’s book market!

Eric Holmlund notes that 60% of children’s book purchases are now made online – and he created the software to allow more aspiring writers to reach this audience without the need to hire an expensive illustrator.

AI Children’s Book Maker can be accessed through a web-based dashboard from any device with internet connectivity. It uses ChatGPT via the OpenAI API to generate high-quality content targeted at young readers.

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The software offers you the ability to experiment with different styles and edit content until it precisely matches your desired result. Instead of taking weeks or months, you can fine-tune your stories and pair them with customizable art within minutes!

Starting with the core concept or outline, the tool creates custom narratives and has space for optional end pages for acknowledgments or quotes. The final product is produced in a print-ready format, enabling you to expedite the self-publishing process.

AI Children’s Book Maker offers a variety of illustration styles ranging from traditional pen and ink to photorealistic, surrealist, fantasy, and watercolor. This diversity allows you to align the visuals with your themes and capture the attention of young readers.

The software supports multiple publishing options, including uploading books through Amazon KDP. You can also use a service like Lulu to offer physical copies for sale on a print-on-demand basis.

Eric Holmlund explains that you gain access to a members area, which offers additional guides and resources – including a character illustration tutorial and strategies for marketing the finished books.

A spokesperson states: “With our new AI Children’s Book Maker, you can instantly generate children’s books about anything you choose, and illustrate them with any style in a matter of minutes. Don’t have an idea already? It’ll come up with those too.”

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