Arthrosamid Injections For Osteoarthritis Pain Relief: Duration & Side Effects

If you’re suffering from osteoarthritis, you probably already know the refrain all too well – “there is no cure, but there are treatments that can offer temporary relief.”

What if we could make the relief permanent, or at least extend it to several years? Arthrosamid does that, and if you haven’t heard of it yet, you can get all the details you need directly from the experts, at

I’ve chosen MSK Doctors as the go-to experts for this treatment for several reasons, so let’s cover them really quickly before we get into the details about Arthrosamid.

MSK Doctors For Arthrosamid

Prof. Paul Lee, the founder of MSK Doctors in London, was one of the first UK clinicians approved to provide Arthrosamid to the public, and he’s still one of the most experienced specialists with it today.

If you’re in a rush, they have a fast-access system which lets you book with any of their experts, any time, with no GP referral. Just visit their website, make a few clicks, and you’ll be in to see the expert of your choice with no waiting list. It’s pretty neat.

Now that we know where our information is coming from, and we know that it’s an expert source, let’s dive into the facts you need to know.

Arthrosamid Vs Other Treatments

If you’ve had osteoarthritis for any length of time you already know that there are several treatments commonly used today, and they mostly suffer from the same problem – they don’t last.

In case you’re not familiar, we’ll do a very quick recap. Osteoarthritis causes a breakdown in the cartilage of the knee joint and this is typically treated using a synthetic replacement such as hyaluronic acid, which cushions and lubricates the joint. While these treatments are known to be effective, they also break down quickly inside the body, which means the benefits fade in weeks, or months at best.

Arthrosamid uses a very similar strategy with just one key difference, this treatment was developed using a non-biodegradable polymer, so that it can remain in your joint as a long-term solution.

In clinical trials, Arthrosamid has been shown to provide pain relief for up to 2 years or possibly longer, from a single injection.

As the full guide on Arthrosamid explains, “Its unique mechanism of action, involving the provision of a scaffold for the synovial membrane, offers a new avenue for tissue regeneration. Clinical studies and real-world patient stories corroborate its efficacy, safety, and long-term benefits.”

Why Haven’t I Heard Of Arthrosamid?

If Arthrosamid is so much better, why haven’t we all heard of it already?

The answer is simple – it’s still very new, at least to the public.

That’s because it has been undergoing extensive clinical trials for more than 20 years, to be absolutely sure that it’s safe, effective, and likely to include only minimal and temporary side effects, if any.

It’s nice to know that no long-lasting adverse events were reported in clinical studies. While that doesn’t mean side effects are impossible, the most commonly reported side effects were temporary itching and swelling at the injection site, as if someone had just been poked there with a needle.

If you check out the Arthrosamid guide from MSK Doctors, it discusses successful treatments with clients ranging from medical doctors to athletes, so it seems to work for lifestyles of all sorts, too.

Just remember, this isn’t another temporary treatment, it’s long-lasting relief, and it’s easy. You don’t even need a GP referral, and there’s no waiting list.

You can get all the facts, straight from the experts, or book an appointment with no GP referral, at

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