Book Immediate MRI Appointment At Woodhall Spa Private Clinic With Self Referral

Book Immediate MRI Appointment At Woodhall Spa Private Clinic With Self Referral

Did you hear about the fellow who went to the doctor, because every time he closed his eyes, he could see bugs playing football?

The doctor told him, “This sounds serious, we should schedule you for an MRI first thing Sunday morning.”

Imagine his surprise when the fellow shouted, “Are you crazy? The finals are on Sunday!”

This is one of my favourite jokes, because it’s funny for the obvious reason, but also for another one.

Can you imagine getting booked in for an MRI scan the same weekend you see your doctor?

Now that’s hilarious.

There is a quick way to get an MRI, of course, the only catch is that you have to book it yourself – and that part’s easy.

The Open MRI clinic near Woodhall Spa lets you book your own appointments online, with no referral from your GP, and no waiting list. That means you can get an immediate appointment, and even have the results in your hands in as little as 24 hours after your scan.

Book your own appointment, right now. Just visit or give them a call at 0333 335 5848.

The private clinic uses the only Open MRI scanner in Lincolnshire, which also allows them to do dynamic scans, or work with claustrophobic clients. It’s fully FISM-approved, and the clinic works only with UK Certified Harley Street specialist Musculoskeletal Consultant Radiologists, and never with reporting Radiographers.

If you need a fast appointment and even faster results – it’s an obvious choice, but they have some other neat benefits too though.

For example, after your scan, you can book an in-depth appointment with a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, to go over your results slide-by-slide, either virtually or in person. They can also help you to see some of the top musculoskeletal specialists in the UK for treatment at a preferential rate, through their partnerships with several other private clinics such as MSK Doctors.

The online booking system makes it easy to schedule your own visit, even if you are not entirely sure of your needs. If you know what body part you need scanned, it’s just a few clicks and you’re done. If you need extra help though, that’s no problem either. The clinic also offers optional pre-scan consultations where you can discuss your symptoms, and which body part you need to be scanned, with an in-house specialist.

After your appointment is complete, you can receive your results in as little as 24 hours, which will include a digital copy of the images, and a consultant radiologist’s report. At this point, it’s up to you – you can take your scans to your GP, schedule an in-depth consultation to go over your results or ask for a preferential rate for treatment from one of their partner clinics.

If you need more than one body part scanned, you can schedule up to 3 body parts per appointment, with each additional scan requiring an extra 40 – 50 minutes at the clinic. For certain injuries, you may also wish to schedule a “Dynamic Scan,” which is only possible using an Open MRI device, instead of the traditional style.

A Dynamic Scan can show interactions that happen when your joints are in motion, compared to a traditional MRI which can only produce a still image. This highly specialised service can take up to 90 minutes to perform a single scan though, so thankfully, it’s unnecessary for most common injuries.

As the clinic’s website explains, “There is no need for a GP or medical consultant referral. You can easily refer yourself for an MRI scan via our online system. If you know what you want, simply tell us about which part of the body you want scanned. Answer some safety questions and book online the time and date that works for you.”

If you’re in pain, off work, or suffering from restricted mobility – don’t wait weeks or months just to get a scan.

Book your own appointment with Open MRI to get the results you need, at the speed you deserve.

Visit to schedule an appointment, or to learn more about the self-referral program.

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